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There are so many amazing websites out there that have great tools, activities, strategies, print-outs, and more that can help you as a teacher, parent, grandparent or administrator. Here I've listed some of my favorite go-to websites, as well as some resources I've created on my own to share. I'll add more and more as I find them. If you have any to suggest, please contact me and let me know so I could add it!

Prevent Challenging Behaviors!

Teaching Pyramid is a systematic framework that promotes social and emotional development, provides support for children's appropriate behavior, prevents challenging behavior, and addresses problematic behavior. While there are training packages available at cost, there are free resources on their website for teachers and parents alike. I've used these tools constantly in my parenting and teaching, and it works!

Weekly Menu Planner

This is the "beta" version of my weekly menu planner. I've taken ideas of various menu planners I've seen online, and have tweaked them into a two-step menu planner. For some, this may be more work than needed, but for me, it helps me organize my plans much better before putting my actual plans into my "final" menu.

Thoughtful Transitions

This was a training I did a while back for early childhood educators, although this may also serve as a great resource for parents! This is all about planning thoughtful transitions for children, helping to prevent challenging behaviors. From getting the kids out the door to go to the grocery store, to getting ready for bed, these tips will help smoothe out those "knots" and "bumps" in our schedule for a more enjoyable day with our kids!

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No resource here yet! Just a placemark for future resources!

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